Women Leadership in Insurance Africa (WLIAfrica)

About WLIAfrica

Women Leadership in Insurance Africa (WLIAfrica) is a non-profit organization advancing women into leadership roles within Africa’s insurance industry to achieve gender equity and spur sustainable growth across the sector.

Established in 2022, WLIAfrica empowers rising female African professionals through targeted skills training, mentorship programs, networking events, partnerships, research, and more – clearing barriers for women to unleash their potential and excel.

By promoting capable women into influential insurance positions across Africa, WLIAfrica aims to enact systemic change and shape a prosperous, equitable future for the industry.

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About wliafrica

How we make a difference


Community & Networking

We foster an empowering community where women professionals connect, learn from each other and forge relationships that drive collaboration, innovation and advancement.

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Career Acceleration Tools & Resources

From masterclasses to mentorship matching with senior executives, we provide women the capabilities and sponsorships to confidently ascend the career ladder on merit.

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Industry Impact & Transformation

As women shatter glass ceilings and shift mindsets, we enact policies, performance, and behavior change - elevating individuals, institutions and entire sector standards.

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Awareness & Advocacy Programs

Through partnerships, events, and campaigns, we raise visibility and understanding around the need for women in insurance leadership to achieve competitive edge..

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"If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together."

African Proverb